Very good game! It's been a while since I played puzzle as satisfying as this.
Very good game! It's been a while since I played puzzle as satisfying as this.
Too easy. Took me only 4 attempts to beat it. Perhaps kryptonite arrangement was very convenient. I don't know.
It was loading for almost 5 minutes and crashed my browser afterwards. You should try to optimize it and reupload the new version.
Thanks for commenting, i'll see what i can do to fix it :)
The greatest rapper in the world has released his most expensive album. Are you gonna buy it? Fuck no! You'll have to pay me to listen to this shit :P
PS: character doesn't move and starting phrase about 250$ won't disappear from the screen no matter what I do.
Are you using a Mac by chance? Another person using one had somewhat of the same problem.
Nice memory training game. Commentator below doesn't know the proper meaning of the word "incremental" xD
Very good isometric pixel art. reminds me of old C&C games. Music is top-notch too.
It's the first time I write such a long review. But it has to be done.
I want to like this game. Nice mix between King's Bounty gameplay and Disciples battle system. Even the unit portraits look similar to those from Disciples 2. But balance ruins everything...
Balance is pretty good at the beginning but starts to spike up pretty soon. AI keeps spawning high-level units, but you can't buy high-level units to guard your cities. It's a shame. So I was about to drop this game after a 100th day or so, until I found out one brilliant tactic. It's called Reversing Hourglass abuse, my friends.
So it's day 217. My party is between 30-35 levels. 54k gold is in my wallet. I keep around 15 hourglasses in my inventory all the time. The only thing that keeps me from finishing the game is my level. Need to grind a little bit more.
How does it work might you ask? Use hourglasses to quickly sweep the map from weak neutrals and to retake your cities. AI is dumb and doesn't replace garrisons. Quick cash will help you to replenish your hourglasses. Hunt enemy heroes, they'll be your main source of income at mid-game. But what should you do if the enemy hero is too strong. Here is my advice: fight him and try to inflict as much damage as you can. Few turns before the imminent defeat run away with one of your units and keep fighting with the rest. Let them die and try to take as much enemies with you as possible. You'll appear near the enemy after the defeat. Revive all your dead party members with the Book of the Dead (they're pretty common as loot and cheap). Book of the Dead will restore 100% of health of your unit that is great because you can't heal them quick outside the combat. So, yes, it's more profitable to let your party members die and revive them. Don't let the whole party die though. It will respawn with minimum health. Use hourglass and attack the weakened enemy army to get profit.
In conclusion, I won't complain that this game is too hard. It's really easy and even boring after you figure out how to exploit its mechanics. Anyway all this stuff is balance issues. I hope that this feedback will help author(s) to turn this game into a real gem.
EDIT: my bad, haven't noticed the Healing Salve item before. It's cheap and restores 100% health of the unit. Anyway this doesn't change the fact that game is totally unbalanced and hourglass abuse is your winning tactic :P
EDIT 2: I captured all the towns including Repaire de Barbiche and nothing happens. Tried to leave troops inside and to skip turns (day 231 as for now). Nothing. Seems like a bug to me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I captured every other town before going for Barbiche.
Hey Knightin+,
Loved your game! Thanks for writing a review! The game lacks balance for sure, and I was worried an exploit with reversing hour glass might happen - so thanks for pointing that out. I'm still figuring out how to help the player keep their towns, and many people provided great feedback on this.
About the ending of the game - right now it just doesn't happen, there is no ending, please accept my personal congratulations for beating the game for now! :)
I feel a bit like a broken record, but feedback has been hugely helpful, I feel like I was able to make the game a lot more fun and balanced in the last 2 weeks since releasing it here on Newgronds thanks to all the comments and patient people expressing their thoughts and ideas. So thanks for yours, I'll take it to heart and keep working.
Sorry that the game was not so enjoyable for you and good luck with Knightin+. I forward to see what you'll make next!
Solid work Wombat! I played all your games and this is my favorite so far. Guess that you're tired from people comparing Hotline Miami to everything else xD
ah thanks!
and no, its a very very fair comparison!
this started out as "keyboard only hotline miami" :P
I spent hours playing original Supaplex as a kid. Thanks for a nice remake!
Hello Wolod, thanks for the review!
I saw you gave it 3.5 stars, is there anything you would like to see improved for the game?
Game is still being updated regularly so all feedback is welcome!
My name's Volodymyr but you might know me as Wolod. I'm doing my best to bring fun, challenging and polished games into this world since 2011. Game development is my passion and I hope that you'll enjoy playing my games as much as I enjoyed creating them.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 12/5/10