Hi there!
I don't want to read this, just take me to the demo!
Quick reminder: I'm going to release this game at the end of this month. It's an extended edition of this game you might have been familiar with already. Why am I even bothering you with this text if I can show you a trailer?
Now let's get back to the point. I'm very proud to publish this demo here today and really hope that you guys will like it! Please consider adding Knightin'+ to your wishlist and spread the word if you've enjoyed the demo and like to support me making even more fun games.
Also in order to celebrate this little release I've updated the original Knightin' to v.1.3 (you can find the detailed change log in the game description). So it's a good time to check it out if you've never played it before. But that's not all! I also updated It Needs Care. That alternate ending I was promising since the release is now available (detailed change log is in the game description too). And, yes, it has medals now. Hope you'll enjoy those updates!
Going to make new announcement soon. Stay tuned and thanks for you attention!